Land Use, Housing & Infrastructure
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The Housing Opportunity Index (HOI) is defined as the share of homes that would have been affordable to a family earning the local median income based on standard mortgage underwriting criteria. National Association of Home Builders assumes that a family can afford to spend 28% of its gross income on housing. In addition to principal and interest; cost then also includes estimated property taxes and property insurance for the home. Mortgage insurance is not currently a component of the HOI.
The percentage of homes considered affordable for families making the median income began to decrease due to the rise in the median sales price since 2011, while family median income has remained almost the same for a decade, until just recently. The 2016 median sales price was as high as pre-recession prices, and continues to rise to new highs annually.
The County Health Rankings measure severe housing problems as the percentage of households with at least 1 of 4 housing problems: overcrowding (>1.5 persons/room), high housing costs (monthly >50% of income, excluding utilities), or lack of kitchen or plumbing facilities. Inadequate or poor quality housing contributes to health problems such as infectious and chronic diseases, injuries and child development issues. Adequate housing should provide a sense of privacy, security, stability and control. The top US performers have 9% severe housing problems, substantially below Washoe County.
Access to affordable and reliable modes of transportation, plus alternative and active transit options indicate an effective transportation system with a diversity of choices critical to our economy, traffic congestion, and the environment.
The 2040 Regional Transportation Plan set a 15% performance target for alternative mode share use by 2040 in the transit service area. The previous 2035 target of 10% was actually exceeded in the 2015 reporting year. In the future, it would be interesting to identify the percentage of workers over 16 years of age living within 1/4 mile of an RTC bus stop and riding the bus to work, since the vast majority continue to drive to work alone.
Infrastructure to move goods and passengers plays as important a role as regional roads and rail transport. Passenger numbers and cargo poundage continue to increase overtime.
Planning and community development across sectors including active lifestyles, diverse types of recreation and neighborhood livability, proactively promote healthy communities while providing the natural benefits of flood control, purifying air and water, and cooling the regions.
Indicator Gauge Icon Legend
Legend Colors
Red is bad, green is good, blue is not statistically different/neutral.
Compared to Distribution
the value is in the best half of communities.
the value is in the 2nd worst quarter of communities.
the value is in the worst quarter of communities.
Compared to Target
meets target; does not meet target.
Compared to a Single Value
lower than the comparison value; higher than the comparison value; not statistically different from comparison value.
non-significant change over time; significant change over time; no change over time.
Compared to Prior Value
higher than the previous measurement period; lower than the previous measurement period; no statistically different change from previous measurement period.